Roman Catholic Parish of Crowthorne and Sandhurst
​in the Diocese of Portsmouth
If you are a Parishioner and don’t yet subscribe to our Gift Aid Scheme, then please consider doing so. Money recovered from the taxman through this scheme (at no extra cost to you) forms a vital part of our annual income.
In brief, the Scheme takes advantage of a Government concession whereby tax already paid on the donations people make is rebated to the Parish and to each other charity for donations made through the church. Effectively, we receive a further 25p back from the taxman for every £1 that you donate. Moreover, there is no obligation to commit to a fixed amount of donation, or for a fixed period; all donations you make (of any size) will produce a tax rebate to us, and you can increase, reduce, or cease, payments whenever you choose.
Joining the Scheme is very simple and straightforward, requiring little effort on your part. All you have to do is:
be an income taxpayer
complete and sign a very short Gift Aid Declaration
make your future donations either by bank standing order or by cash/cheque donations in envelopes that we supply.
Leave the rest to us!
If and when you are ready to join up, please complete the Gift Aid Declaration, and indicate on the Return Form whether you wish to pay by bank standing order or use cash envelopes (NB we supply special envelopes to all to use for the Diocesan second collections). Could you then please return both forms to Edward Brunel-Cohen, our Gift Aid Organiser, plus the bank standing order form if you choose that method, either via the collection plate or the parish office?
The tax we recover through the Scheme is an essential part of the Parish’s income, and making ends meet without it would be significantly harder. If you were able to join the Scheme, we and the other charities that the Parish supports would be very grateful.
Besides, why give money to the taxman, when you could give it to the Parish?
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, then please feel free to contact Edward Brunel-Cohen (bruco@dircon.co.uk).