Roman Catholic Parish of Crowthorne and Sandhurst
​in the Diocese of Portsmouth
Christmas Mass times –
Christmas Eve: 5.00pm - Immaculate Conception Sandhurst
10.00pm - Holy Ghost, Crowthorne
Christmas Day: 9.00am - Immaculate Conception
11.00am - Holy Ghost, Crowthorne
​Sunday Masses: Vigil (Saturday) 6pm Immaculate Conception
Mass 9am Immaculate Conception
Mass 11am Holy Ghost
Holydays of Obligation: Vigil Mass : 7:00pm Mass at Immaculate Conception, Sandhurst
Holyday : 10:00am Mass at Holy Ghost, Crowthorne
Weekday Masses: Please check the weekly newsletter for up-to-date times
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Immaculate Conception Church between 5.15 pm and 5.45 pm on Saturday
and after Sunday morning Mass
and after Friday morning Mass
Holy Ghost Church after Saturday morning Mass
and after Sunday morning Mass